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Truthy and Falsy values in JavaScript

Swastik Yadav
June 11th, 2021 · 1 min read

Hello Everyone,

In this post we will explore the truthy and falsy values in JavaScript. This is going to be a very short to the point blog post. So, let’s get started.

Truthy and Falsy Values

  • Any value that evaluates to true in Boolean Context is truthy value.

For instance

1console.log(Boolean("Hello World!"));
2// true
  • Any value that evaluates to false in Boolean Context is falsy value.

For instance

2// false

The only 6 falsy values

There are only 6 falsy values. Everything else (other than these 6 values) evaluates to true in boolean context.

1- ""
2- 0
3- false

The above 3 values are equal to each other.

1- undefined
2- null

The above 2 values loosely equalls (==) to each other and nothing else.

1- Nan

NaN is the only value that is not even equal to itself.

1console.log(NaN == NaN);
2// false

So, that’s it for this post, I will see you in some other post. If you found this one helpful, do share it and join my newsletter below or here.

Thank You!

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